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Chris van Uffelen

Fascination Mountain Living

Architecture & Design
24 x 28 cm
224 pages
450 pictures
ISBN 978-3-03768-303-3

€ 44,00  NEW!
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From the majestic peaks of the Alps to the green slopes of Japan's Shikoku Range and the rugged heights of the Rocky Mountains: the selected residential buildings at such dizzying heights are a reminder that architecture not only creates spaces, but also shapes the relationship between human beings and their environment. They are creative showpieces that blend harmoniously and respectfully into the breathtaking nature of the mountain landscapes.
Hillside locations present very special challenges and at the same time offer endless design possibilities. On the one hand, they open up spectacular views, while on the other they make innovative solutions for the room program possible. All the oases of modern living featured in this book demonstrate unique ways how esthetics, functionality, sustainability and adaptation to the topography can be felicitously combined.

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